· Download MEHEM The Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod. More Mass Effect 3 Mods. MEHEM is a reinterpretation of the endings of Mass Effect 3, which allows Commander Shepard to survive the final mission, among many other changes. It features custom videos and slides, re-engineered gameflow, original as well as re-arranged voice acting, new music, etc. There are serveral mods that toy with the final moments of Mass Effect 3, the most popular being "The Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod," downloaded, times. It does what you think it does—it removes the sting. It also makes some serious edits to the final moments, including removing Shepard's conversation with the catalyst, an artificial. · MEHEM is a reinterpretation of the endings of Mass Effect 3, which introduces quite a few changes to the game's finale and - as the title suggests - will result in a brighter outcome for Commander MEHEM The Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod; MEHEM The Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod. Endorsements. 8, Choose download type Free Premium.
Diese Mod übersetzt MrFobs MEHEM The Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod ins Deutsche. Original-Mod: MEHEM Benötigt: Extended Cut MEHEM Installation: 1. MEHEM v installieren 2. im Ordner "Movies" Backup der Dateien und im Ordner "CookedPCConsole" Backup der Dateien erstellen (englische Originale, falls mal wieder auf Englisch gespielt werden. Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod. To this Alliance soldier Mass Effect 3 was a dark game full of crushing emotion. Going in I never thought I was going to get out of the battle in one piece. Maybe it was just me and my emotional state at the time, but it was sorta what I expected. Mehem The Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod. Superman returns pc game download. This is a must have mod for Shenko fans! Â It basically replaces the endscene of Mass Effect with one that shows Kaidan carrying Shep out of the London rubble and then both of them appearing out of the Normandy on the jungle planet - yes, the timeline is a.
MEHEM is a reinterpretation of the endings of Mass Effect 3, which introduces quite a few changes to the game's finale and - as the title suggests - will result in a brighter outcome for Commander. MEHEM The Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod - Polish translation MEHEM is a reinterpretation of the endings of Mass Effect 3, which allows Commander Shepard to survive the final mission, among many other changes. MEHEM is a reinterpretation of the endings of Mass Effect 3, which allows Commander Shepard to survive the final mission, among many other changes. It features custom videos and slides, re-engineered gameflow, original as well as re-arranged voice acting, new music, etc.