Ps4 not downloading update while in sleep mode

I never had a problem with it for years but the last few months it will not download or update while in rest mode. 2. level 1. under_the_boab_tree. · 3y. Another thing to consider - of have an ext hd connected and downloading update files to it, make sure "supply .  · In this video I show you how to let ps4 update games while in rest mode. I hope you enjoy this video on how to download games on PS4 while in rest mode from.  · Rest Mode is one of the handiest features of the PlayStation 4. Instead of powering down completely, your console just goes into a low-power sleep mode (like your laptop does when it hibernates). This means that it’s quicker to start up, can charge the controller, and best of all, can download updates and games from the PlayStation 4.

My PS4 doesn't download game updates in Rest Mode, when I turn it on the updates only start downloading then and I have all the right options done 0 Tap here to load 3 comments. Rest Mode is one of the handiest features of the PlayStation 4. Instead of powering down completely, your console just goes into a low-power sleep mode (like your laptop does when it hibernates). This means that it's quicker to start up, can charge the controller, and best of all, can download updates and games from the PlayStation 4. Step 3: To set it rolling, install the "Insomnia X" app by dragging it the applications folder. When you run the application, it will appear in the menu bar. Step 4: When you bring the cursor to the insomnia X app in the horizontal menu bar, it will bring a drop down list of options. Check the "Disable lid Sleep". To beef things a little better, you can check the " Disable idle sleep.

As long as my PS4 is in rest mode overnight, all system updates and game updates will download around am EST. There are times I'll get home from work later in the afternoon and when I boot up the PS4 it will show updates that downloaded at 5am that morning. As a quick reminder, Rest Mode on PS4 is like Sleep Mode on PC. It puts your console into a low power mode, but still leaves it able to download system and game updates in the background. This is all you need to do to ensure your PS4 is working to get those updates even while you're away. PS4 only checks for game updates once a day(2am/3am), usually in the middle of the night. so if anything is pushed out past that it will either download when you boot up or download at the same time the next day.


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