for by Indiana law, IC 29‐2‐ The instructions given in a Funeral Planning Declaration supersede and override the wishes of all others including your immediate family. A Funeral Planning Declaration is not for everyone. Who should not execute a Funeral Planning Declaration. For the celebration of the funeral rites when the body is cremated, reference should be made to the liturgical norms on cremation.7 The Celebration of the Funeral The ordinary minister (celebrant) of the funeral service is the priest. For funerals which take place outside of Mass, a priest or deacon may preside. In the absence of anFile Size: KB. Cemetery and Funeral Bureau Homepage is designed to help Californians become informed consumers by learning their rights and protection. Cemetery and Funeral Law CHAPTER CEMETERY AND FUNERAL ACT. Article 1. Administration. To download click on the icon below.
title ii: penal law and penal precept.. title iii: those who are liable to penal sanctions.. title iv: penalties and other punishments.. chapter i: censures.. chapter ii. The Orthodox Funeral Service _____ Priest: Blessed is our God, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. - 2 - - 3 - Reader: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and having suffered according to the law, O Giver of Life, and having been adorned by Thee with crowns of victory, fervently ask eternal. Funeral Arrangement Counselor. Training and Law Review. California law now requires documented training and instruction on applicable federal and state laws. every three years for anyone employed by a licensed funeral establishment who consults with the family of a deceased. unless they have passed the funeral director's exam.
homes, but do not yourself provide funeral goods and services. In such a case, even though you don't provide the funeral items, you are an agent of a funeral provider and therefore are covered by the Rule. The Rule does not apply to pre-need contracts entered into before the Rule went into effect in for by Indiana law, IC 29‐2‐ The instructions given in a Funeral Planning Declaration supersede and override the wishes of all others including your immediate family. A Funeral Planning Declaration is not for everyone. Who should not execute a Funeral Planning Declaration. H.R—2 Sec. National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Sec. Institute of Education Sciences. Sec. Program administration.