· url - URL of the file or directory you want to download or synchronize. How to Download a File with wget # In its simplest form, when used without any option, wget will download the resource specified in the [url] to the current directory. In the following example, we are downloading the Linux kernel tar archive. · How to Download a File From the Command Line. The most straightforward approach to using wget is to specify the command as well as a remote file. The file must be a fully formed URL, including the protocol. For example. · To download a video file, simply run the following command. Where “VIDEO_URL” is the URL of the video that you want to download. youtube-dl url The video is saved in the directory from where you run the command. Download YouTube videos in .
url - URL of the file or directory you want to download or synchronize. How to Download a File with wget # In its simplest form, when used without any option, wget will download the resource specified in the [url] to the current directory. In the following example, we are downloading the Linux kernel tar archive. Below you can find several examples of download scenarios users may be dealing with when downloading files on the Linux shell using wget: Basic-Downloading One File. This is the most elementary case where users execute the wget command without any option by simply using the URL of the file to be downloaded in the command line. Though there are a few command-line tools Linux can utilize to download files, Client URL (cURL) is one of the most used. Its inclusion on most Unix-like operating systems and wide protocol support has made it popular with server admins. This is partly because of its lack of interactivity - when you download a file with cURL it doesn't ask for.
Linux download from URL – Curl. If Wget isn’t your cup of tea, another way to download files from the command-line on Linux is with the Curl app. Curl is an impressive, useful program, and it has been around for a very long time. Curl comes standard on some Linux operating systems, but not all. The cURL linux command can use various network protocols to download and upload data on Linux. Normally, using the cURL command is pretty basic, but it has a ton of options and can grow more complicated very quickly. To download a file with a different name, enter the command in the following syntax: $ wget -O [filename] [URL] Download files through FTP. To download a file from an FTP server, type the command in the following syntax: $ wget [ftp_link] To download files from user authenticated FTP servers, use the below syntax.