· · What is Respondus LockDown Browser? Based on Google's open-source framework Chromium, Respondus LockDown is a browser that temporarily locks down the access to all other applications on a student's computer, with the purpose of preventing cheating during exams. Welcome to our Respondus LockDown Browser download page. · Once you have installed the browser on your computer, open the LockDown browser. It will open directly to the e-Learning log-in page. Click login in the upper right corner and login using your gatorlink username and password. · · If Respondus LockDown Browser is already installed view the Student Quick Start Guide for exam instructions. Download/Install Respondus LockDown Browser Here (not compatible with Chromebooks) When this screen appears – click Install Now: Depending on the browser and operating system you’re using, you may be given choices to either “Save.
Respondus LockDown Browser. Respondus LockDown Browser provides another level of security for online testing. The LockDown Browser disables all functions of the student's computer other than the test being taken so students cannot copy/paste, search the internet, or access any documents on their computer while using LockDown Browser. HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND UPDATE RESPONDUS LOCKDOWN BROWSER Step 4: A window will appear, asking if you want to allow this app to make changes to your device. Select Yes. Step 5: You will select your language (English is the default) and select Next. Step 6: You will be asked to agree to the terms. Select I agree to terms, then Next. Login to Blackboard. Navigate to the Student Support Tab. Click on your version (Windows or Mac) of the LockDown Browser from Student Resources. Click Install Now to download the installer. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the install.
the LockDown browser and take the practice exam in the “LockDown Browser Check” course to test it: Important – Test your LockDown Browser application at least 2 days before exam day to make sure it works. Not the night before, nor the morning of your exams. If you experience problems, visit UF Health Information Technology Walk-UP Help Desk. Testing Software Downloads and Support. We plan to return to the testing in person in Fall and will be using ExamSoft and in-person proctors. Helpful links are included below: Testing at UFCD PowerPoint. Testing at UFCD Video. Exam Day Procedures PowerPoint. Exam Day Procedures Video. Respondus Lockdown Browser Download. Respondus and Lockdown Browser. Responds is a tool for creating and managing exams. Partnered with Lockdown browser, instructors have a powerful pair of tools with which to build exams and manage exam integrity. Materials. Respondus and Studymate Download for UF Faculty and Instructors; Technical Support; Training Guides.