· OnMyWay is a well-known app that actually rewards you for not texting while driving by giving you points for each mile you drive over 10 MPH and don't text. You can spend your OnMyWay cash on gift cards, special deals, or even straight cash deposited into your PayPal or Venmo account. Free mobile app puts an end to texting while driving. Listen to text messages and emails in real-time completely hands-free. Stop distracted driving. Apps that block texting while driving. LifeSaver Designed for families and fleets, LifeSaver is a free app that automatically senses when you’re driving and activates to block text notifications.
Fortunately, there are free apps that will prevent texting while driving, to help you keep your hands on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road. In this article, you'll find a list of the best no texting while driving apps for iPhone and Android users to ensure safe driving and also reduce distractions. 1. Life Saver. Availability. Take a look at our popular blog post, Six Apps That Prevent Texting While Driving for more details. Text No More offers many discounts through Groupon. Canary will 'sing like a canary' to parents if their kid uses their phone while driving. ATT's DriveMode allows users to identify five numbers that can always be called. The free app Driving Detective is based on the same "Do Not Disturb While Driving" software Google developed for the Pixel 2. It also works with any device running Android or up, and.
Apps that block texting while driving. LifeSaver Designed for families and fleets, LifeSaver is a free app that automatically senses when you’re driving and activates to block text notifications. Text reading only when a Bluetooth device or a head phone is on. 2: topfind247.co A safe texting while driving app that reads text messages (SMS) and emails in real time and automatically responds (auto-responder). Support 28 text-to-speech languages and has support for even celebrity voices. No Texting While Driving Please do not text while driving! This app will read aloud any incoming text messages and then send out an automated response that the user creates.