· Some Steam users that are trying to download mods from Steam’s Workshop are reportedly having problems subscribing to mods. In most cases, the mod is not getting registered for download or don’t appear inside the download queue. · im playing space engineers and theres a mod im trying to get but it wont even start to download. does anyoen know what my problem could be? ive been at this for hours. going through forums and i cant find anything that works. The author of this topic has marked a . "- Can't download mods" Source r/spaceengineers. This subreddit is about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC and Xbox, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Players build space ships, wheeled vehicles, space stations and planetary outposts, pilot ships and travel through space.
The reason the mods are not showing up in the mod list is simply because they have not downloaded yet, my solution (that worked for me) is to reset steam completely, as in relog. this forces steam on bootup to check what mods it has yet to download and within a few minutes the mods will start downloading under "space engineers workshop content.". It's quite weird because I have The Elder Scrolls Skyrim, which I can play with mods just fine (I have over 50 mods installed for that game), but when it comes to Space Engineers it just wont work. I'm trying to play with my friend, and he says that the game is so much better with mods, and he has no problems connecting to servers with mods or. Space Engineers. Browse, discover, and download player-created worlds and blueprints. Saved world can be published from the Main Menu Load Game screen. Blueprint can be published as a copy of the grid added to the Blueprint screen. Find the game on Homepage, Steam, Xbox.
To force a refresh you need to unsubscribe from your mods, let Steam update the workshop content for SE, then re-subscribe to force it to start downloading them again. If there are a lot of mods it can take a while as it may not just download but also unpack some. Some Steam users that are trying to download mods from Steam’s Workshop are reportedly having problems subscribing to mods. In most cases, the mod is not getting registered for download or don’t appear inside the download queue. 1) Go to Steam Workshop, select mods (right part of screen), subscribe to mods you want 2) Start Space Engineers 3) Select New Game or Load game 4) Go to Edit Settings 5) Click "Mods" button 6) Double-click mods you want to have active for current world 7) Start the game! You can sort mods in Mods screen.